1,7 mln USD dla neptune.ml

1.7 million USD for neptune.ml

TDJ Pitango Ventures invested 1.7 million USD in Neptune, which intends to accelerate the development of artificial intelligence as GitHub accelerated the development of software 10 years ago.


TDJ Pitango Ventures has invested 1.7 million USD in Neptune, which intends to accelerate the development of artificial intelligence as GitHub accelerated the development of software 10 years ago.
Neptune.ml is a platform created for data scientists – experts in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence as well as their managers. Neptune allows you to monitor, compare and reproduce experiments and their results, allowing you to create better models faster. The founders of neptune.ml estimate that the use of their platform saves approximately 20% of data scientists’ time.
– The main criterion for our involvement in the startup is the team behind the idea. Strong, unique technology and the global development potential are also important for us. Neptune.ml is made up of visionaries that already have a lot of experience. At the same time, it is the most technologically mature and stable product on the market in its category. It has been developed for three years and used, among others by the Kaggle community, which is the largest data scientist community in the world – says Daniel Star, managing partner of TDJ Pitango Ventures.
The use of artificial intelligence in business is at the absolute forefront of global directions of technological development, which has resulted in the growing demand for data scientists around the world. Currently, their community numbers about 2 million, however according to market trends and changes, that number is expected to increase to 8 – 10 million in 2023.
Market leaders like Netflix, Spotify or Uber drive their success through the use of intelligent solutions tailoring their services to the customer needs. The founders of neptune.ml believe that artificial intelligence is the next, perhaps even the greatest, technological revolution humanity is facing.
We are working hard to make neptune.ml the market standard for data scientists in the next 2 years. For this reason, we focus mainly on adaptation by individuals. We believe that this way Neptune will be naturally transferred to the environment of their daily work, also in the largest global corporations – says Piotr Niedźwiedź, founder and CEO of neptune.ml.
In companies whose business model is strongly associated with the use of artificial intelligence, e.g. creditworthiness assessment or all kinds of risks, the greatest value of business are models built on the basis of long-term data. Neptune allows companies to manage knowledge about the creation of the model and instructions for its reproduction. It ensures business stability, for instance, in the case of personnel changes in the team and guarantees the same result every time.